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 hand with the ace, king, queen, jack, and 10 all in the same suit.this is the best hand you can have in poker .the ods of geting this hand are 1 in 2,598,960 



A full house, also known as a full boat, is a hand such as 3♣ 3â™  3♦ 6♣ 6♥, that contains three matching cards of one rank and two matching cards of another rank. Between two full houses, the one with the higher-ranking three cards in their hand wins, so 7â™  7♥ 7♦ 4â™  4♣ defeats 6â™  6♥ 6♦ Aâ™  A♣. If two hands have the same three cards


Three of a kind, also called trips or a set, is a poker hand such as 2♦ 2â™  2♣ Kâ™  6♥ that contains three cards of the same rank, plus two cards which are not of this rank nor the same as each other


A straight flush is a hand that contains five cards in sequence, all of the same suit, such as Q♣ J♣ 10♣ 9♣ 8♣ (a hand that meets the requirements of both a straight and a flush). Two such hands are compared by their card that is ranked highest. Aces can play high or low in straights and straight flushes: 5♦ 4♦ 3♦ 2♦ A♦ is a 5-high straight flush, also known as a "steel wheel"


A flush is a poker hand such as Q♣ 10♣ 7♣ 6♣ 4♣, where all five cards are of the same suit, but not in sequence. Two flushes are compared as if they were high cardhands; the highest-ranking card of each is compared to determine the winner


 poker hand such as J♥ J♣ 4♣ 4â™  9♥, that contains two cards of the same rank, plus two cards of another rank (that match each other but not the first pair), plus any card not of either rank, is called two pair


Four of a kind, also known as quads, is a poker hand such as 9♣ 9â™  9♦ 9♥ J♥, that contains all four cards of one rank and any other (unmatched) card. Quads with higher-ranking cards defeat lower-ranking ones.


A straight is a poker hand such as Q♣ Jâ™  10â™  9♥ 8♥, that contains five cards of sequential rank in at least two different suits



One pair is a poker hand such as 4♥ 4â™  Kâ™  10♦ 5â™ , that contains two cards of one rank, plus three cards which are not of this rank nor the same as each other


Basic Rules

No-Limit Texas Hold'em

People are drawn to No-Limit because of its unique mix of skill, chance and action, and because you can bet all of your chips at any point during the hand.

In Texas Hold'em, players are always faced with the ability to choose one of three options:

  • Check (or call).

  • Bet (or raise).

  • Fold. (In a scenario where you can check, folding makes no sense, but it's still an option.)

  • To call is simply to match the previous bet made (a check is the same thing, only when no bet has been made: in other words, a check is a call for free).

  • To fold is to throw away your hand and wait until the next deal to play again. Folding is always free.

  • If there has been no bet made yet, you have the option to bet. Once a bet is made, players to follow now have the option to raise the bet.

  • In No-Limit a minimum bet is equal to the size of the big blind, while a maximum bet is the total amount of all of your chips. (Only chips that were included in your stack before the cards were dealt for that hand count, meaning you can't add (or remove) chips during a hand.)

  • Once a bet has been made, the minimum you can raise is the size of the last bet. So if your opponent bets $5, the minimum raise you can make is $5 (for a total bet of $10). Again, the maximum raise is the total of whatever you have in front of you.

  • How big a No-Limit Hold'em cash game is played is determined by its blind size. A $1/$2 game will have $1/$2 blinds, and the buy-in will vary from poker room to poker room.

  • Generally the minimum buy-in will be 20 big blinds (so $40 in our example), and the maximum will be 100 big blinds ($200), though there are some casinos that spread games with no maximum buy-in.
The Lingo

Action card

In Texas hold 'em, and other community card poker games, a card appearing on the board that causes significant betting action because it helps two or more players



When, if more than one player remains after the last betting round, remaining players expose and compare their hands to determine the winner or winners. See main article: showdown



A tell in poker is a detectable change in a player's behavior or demeanor that gives clues to that player's assessment of their hand. 


Under the gun

The playing position to the direct left of the blinds in Texas hold 'em or Omaha hold 'em. The player who is under the gun must act first on the first round of betting



A five-high straight (A-2-3-4-5), with the ace playing low. See list of poker hands and lowball (poker)

In deuce-to-seven lowball, the nut low hand (2-3-4-5-7)


Value bet

A bet made by a player who wants it to be called (as opposed to a bluff or protection bet). See value



Emotional upset, mental confusion, or frustration in which a player adopts a less than optimal strategy, usually resulting in poor play. See main article: tilt. Compare with steam


Top kicker

In community card poker games, top kicker is the best possible kicker to some given hand.


Suck out

A situation when a hand heavily favored to win loses to an inferior hand after all the cards are dealt. The winning hand is said to have sucked out. Compare with bad beat



A bet made with a hand that is mathematically unlikely to be the best hand, either to make money or to disguise play patterns. See main article: bluff.



The set of community cards in a community card game.

The set of face-up cards of a particular player in a stud game.

The set of all face-up cards in a stud game.



Another name for a full house


You want to bet the highest amount that you think your opponent will call.

This means that sometimes you're better off making a bigger bet that will get called fewer times rather than making a smaller bet that will get called more often.

Know your opponent. You're the one who has been playing with them. You should know their tendencies.

Some players may always think an overbet equals bluff; others will think an overbet always equals the nuts.

Same goes for betting a smaller amount - some players are always going to be drawn in by irresistible odds.

Always pay attention and use the information you've gained throughout your session to decide what bet size is going to make you the most money.

I know this article probably didn't teach you anything you didn't already know.

But knowing something and actually using that knowledge are two completely different things.

Of course we all know how to bet, but I guarantee that most of us do not put much thought into our regular bet sizes.

However, we are making bets every single hand we play.

If you can save an extra dollar here or make a few extra dollars there, all that money adds up over time.

So take a few extra seconds and think about bet sizing. I'm sure your win rate will thank you.

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